The Power Of Positive Habits E-book

The Power Of Positive Habits E-book Review

It has been proven that habits are an extremely powerful tool for personal and professional growth. Many successful people have managed to reach the position and authority they have today by self-motivating themselves and by developing positive habits. One of the best tools available today that teaches us how to achieve success through positive habits is called “The Power of Positive Habits”. Developed by Dan Robey, the well-famed president of a top consulting firm based in US, this eBook has become a top-selling product in only a matter of months. With a rating of 3.8 on Amazon, The Power of Positive Habits is considered by many the key to a successful and happy life.The Power of Positive Habits

 A Complete eBook

At the age of 26, after successfully overcome migraine, depression and arthritis, Dan has begun his quest of discovering more about natural self healing and longevity. He spent over 23 years studying thousands of scientific papers and interviewing hundreds of specialists and doctors from prestigious institutions such as the Harvard Medical School, American Medical Association and The Journal of Clinical Nutrition. He soon found an extremely important study which thought him secrets about cognitive re-structuring. After discovering these amazingly useful secrets, Dan started to assemble his eBook. It took him over 10 years to finish it, but it was worth it. The Power of Positive Habits is a groundbreaking self-improvement program that offers guaranteed results because it is able to produce permanent changes to your lifestyle.

Positive Aspects

– Based on a proven method: the cognitive re-structuring method was used in the past, offering outstanding results. – Extremely simple: even a child can make the most by reading this eBook. – Complete: The Power of Positive Thinking combines an eBook, an interactive PC program and an audio tool. – No shipping costs. – 60 day money back guarantee. – Several bonuses: “Morning Has Been All Night Coming”, “Coaching for an Extraordinary Life” and “Create your Ideal Life” books.

Negative Aspects

Even if most people who purchased this product were extremely happy with the results, others were not. The latter have outlined these drawbacks: – Results do not come overnight: it takes 21 days to set up a new habit, which is too much for some people. – Reiterates some already known ideas: many customers have complained that this eBook does nothing but reiterating some ideas about implementing positive habits found in other books.

The Bottom Line

Featuring both positive and negative reviews, the Power of Positive Habits is considered a very useful tool by some and a scam by others. You can find out more on their website However, we strongly recommend reading more reviews online before deciding whether to invest your money buying this book.

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